ANCA Grinding Machines Optimize Cutting Tool Performance | Modern Machine Shop
IMTS 2024: ANCA celebrates 50 years through the introduction of the MicroX Ultra grinding machine and AIMS Connect software, with live demonstrations.
AIMS. Source (all images): ANCA
ANCA CNC Machines is introducing a high-precision tool grinder, the MicroX Ultra, as well as the next generation of the company’s integrated manufacturing technology, AIMS Connect. The company is also highlighting the opening of a new Tech Center in Temecula, California, for its West Coast customers, as well as business events, including its Tool of the Year and Female Machinist of the Year awards.
With innovations like touch probes, soft axes and 3D simulation over the years, ANCA is emphasizing software and automation opportunities for its customers. The latest version of ANCA’s ToolRoom software, RN35, for example, offers:
Experts are presenting these updates and other upgrades to attendees, plus additional news regarding CIM3D simulation software.
ANCA also shows off its Automated Manufacturing System (AIMS), an integrated automation system that brings together machining, metrology and materials handling plus data management in a single ecosystem for a lights-out production of cutting tools used in myriad industries.
The modular system, developed for shops of all sizes, comprises hardware and software components for automated, closed-loop manufacturing. AIMS Server controls production processes and AutoComp, the intelligent compensation module maintains part quality automatically, while the new AIMS Connect function covers job management. AIMS Connect, now available for existing installations, empowers manufacturers to explore new opportunities, products and features while maximizing productivity and quality.
EPX laser.
Another focus is the GCX machine and gear tool technology geared toward the production of skiving cutters. To address the complexity of gear tool manufacturing, this offering includes features for the design of gear cutting tools, manufacturing and integrated tool measurement, as well as providing skiving machine setup parameters.
Live at ANCA’s booth, attendees can witness how this configuration enables short setup times, simulation and monitoring, plus quality enhancing features like the ANCA motor temperature control (MTC) and integrated balancing (iBalance) for longtime grinding profile accuracy within ±0.0015 mm.
Ultra technology is also available, combining nanometer control, servo-controlled algorithms and mechanical stiffness upgrades to achieve high accuracy when grinding cutting tools. The FX7 Ultra and six-axis MicroX Ultra specifically demonstrate continuous batch production down to 0.03 mm for cutting tool manufacturing.
For optimized cutting tool performance in precision-critical systems and meeting productivity targets, ANCA’s edge preparation and surface finishing solution, the EPX-SF stream finishing machine provides 11-axis automation and smart recipe fine-tuning. It is engineered to optimize media utilization while providing precise edge control. The machine has the capability to reduce edge roughness to under 100 nm and refine edge radii to microns with controllable K-factor, achieving nano-smooth surfaces and micron-honed edges.
Moreover, EPX-SF’s cyclic mode with pulse rotation serves as a defense against surface burrs and edge imperfections. With adjustable positive and negative angles, the EPX-SF spindle traverses the optimal cutting path, optimizing potential chip flow and reducing the surface roughness of the cutting workpiece. Within ANCA’s automation ecosystem, the EPX-SF seamlessly integrates into production lines, operating autonomously with robotic assistance round the clock for tool loading/unloading.
Finally, the CPX blank preparation machine is a prime example of how ANCA includes the voice of the customer in product development. Cutting tool manufacturers around the world were asked and given their ideal solution for blanks with high material removal rates, application flexibility and integrated quality control. With features like statistical process control and surface finishes below 0.2 Ra, manufacturers can achieve high productivity at minimal cost with the CPX Linear. Some further application capability is introduced at IMTS.
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