Whitemud Resources Provides Operational Update
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Whitemud Resources Provides Operational Update

May 01, 2023


Calgary, AB - TheNewswire - June 9, 2023 - Whitemud Resources Inc. (" Whitemud " or the " Company ") (TSXV:WMK) provides an operational update.

Whitemud Resources is pleased to provide an operationalupdate. During the second quarter of 2023, Whitemud commissioned andtested a small scale prototype flash calciner at its Wood Mountain, SKmine site. The tests demonstrated that the flash calcining processtransformed raw kaolin into metakaolin at rates and efficiencies inline with Whitemud's expectations and initial performance testing ofthe metakaolin produced positive results.

Additional production and testing is planned in orderto determine the feasibility of designing a full scale productionflash calciner to replace the existing rotary kiln process. This wouldresult in a lower energy input enabling the production of metakaolinto be more environmentally efficient and cost effective.

About Whitemud Resources Inc.

Whitemud is a Canadian-based corporation holdingmineral rights to exploit a large kaolin deposit in southernSaskatchewan, together with a processing facility located on theproperty. Whitemud's product, Whitemud (MK) is a cement-grademetakaolin that enhances the performance of cement for oil and gaswells and construction applications. The Company uses a process thatminimizes environmental impact.

Midstream Energy Partners, a division of WhitemudResources Inc. formed in 2015, engages in the business of commoditymarketing and logistics.

For further information, pleasecontact:

Whitemud Resources Inc.

General Inquiries

Suite 900, 332 - 6 th AvenueSW

Calgary, Alberta T2P 0B2

Attention: Stan Owerko: 403-200-5253

Reader Advisory

This news release contains forward-looking statements,within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, concerningWhitemud's business and affairs. In certain cases, forward-lookingstatements can be identified by the use of words such as‘‘attempts’’, ‘‘intends’’, "continues","plans" or variations of such words and phrases or state thatcertain actions, events or results ‘‘may’’, ‘‘could’’,‘‘would’’, ‘‘might’’ or ‘‘will be taken’’,‘‘occur’’ or ‘‘be achieved’’. These statementsinvolve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors thatmay cause actual results or events to differ materially from thoseanticipated in such forward-looking statements. Although Whitemudbelieves these statements to be reasonable, no assurance can be giventhat these expectations will prove to be correct and suchforward-looking statements included in this news release should not beunduly relied upon. Such statements include statements with respectto the feasibility of designing a full scale production flash calcinerand the resulting lower energy input. Actual results could differmaterially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements.The technology may not be sufficiently developed to design the fullscale production flash calciner or such development may not beeconomical. If developed, such flash calciner may not achieve theanticipated energy efficiency. Results could be impacted by prevailingeconomic conditions and other factors, many of which are beyond thecontrol of Whitemud. The forward-looking statements contained in thisnews release represent Whitemud's expectations as of the date hereofand are subject to change after such date. Whitemud disclaims anyintention or obligation to update or revise any forward-lookingstatements whether as a result of newinformation, future events or otherwise, except as may be required byapplicable securities regulations.

Neither the TSXV nor its RegulationServices Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXVenture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracyof this release.

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